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Writer's pictureMikyla Bagley

Know Your WHY

With crown resting keenly atop a felt hat, my hands deftly secured the sash of a two-year retired title to the shoulder of an elegant lace dress. My heart raced at the thought of slipping into this role once again.

From my first pageant in 2009, I have held over a dozen Rodeo Queen and Attendant titles. Each with its merits and experiences just like this one, but for some reason this time I was nervous. My mind reeled with the doubt that hungover me like a dark cloud, draining the confidence I clung to.


With a long slow breathe I stepped through the doors of the little library and let my biggest smile grace my faces in an effort to hide the uncertainty I felt.

"Alright everyone we have a very special guest coming to join us for our 'Royal Ball'," the familiar sound of my aunts voice reminds me what I am here to do. She had called me in a panic the previous night looking for a Queen or Princess to be her star guest at the library's summer activity.

With little prompting I agreed to don my retired crown and sash.

It felt weird to wear the title again. Like I was trying to live in a past life, but the awkwardness I felt quickly melted as I stepped into the book filled room to see the bright smiles and excited eyes of tiny princesses, wizards, vampire kings, and just about everything in between.

That day I danced like a chicken, colored crowns in a rainbow of colors, and listened to and told stories with my new mini friends, but more than that I remembered WHY it is that I chose to continue rodeo queening in the first place.

Being a rodeo queen is not all rhinestones and glitter as some would have you believe. It is a sweat and tears; laughs and hugs; and above all, it is being somebody who handles the ups and the downs with the same style, poise and grace.

Because it's not about you. Being a rodeo queen is about making everyone feel welcomed right down to the smallest set of eyes that look up to you with a crown of your head.


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